am i a gryffindor or a hufflepuff

That means that Hufflepuffs need to rely on headcanons and reading between the lines in order to paint a good picture of what Hufflepuffs are really like. Quiz: What Would Harry Potters Room of Requirement Turn Into For You? One major joke in the Harry Potter fandom is the idea that Hufflepuffs are the best at finding things. Can you quote every line from "The Sorcerer's Stone", or figure out how long you'd last in the Triwizard Tournament? & many more results. Both would be driven to improve on any flaws or problems in the relationship, and would want to brag about their partner at every opportunity. Gryffindor Facts. Hufflepuffs love nature more than any other Hogwarts house. So take a breath, stop whatever you're doing, and get ready to have a little fun. As the loudest and proudest Hogwarts house, Gryffindors would most likely be suited to other Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuff was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They would always have a cheerleader there to encourage their wild pursuits and to kindly pick up the pieces if a bold Gryffindor plan doesnt work out. There are a handful of house-specific Side Quests too, one of which allows Hufflepuffs to briefly visit Azkaban. And our common room is at the top of Gryffindor tower. Look for a busy compartment. Arguably the most lovable of the Hogwarts houses, thanks to their kind and caring nature, Hufflepuffs would most likely be suited to other Hufflepuffs or to Gryffindors. . Gryffindors are loyal in the big, flashy ways; Hufflepuffs are loyal in the quiet, everyday ways. Gryffindor is quite simply the best house in Hogwarts! They don't pick fights with other Houses or with other people because they're focused on their own journey and what they have to do. They play fair, work hard, and are loyal to those around them, and those qualities mean that they just don't have time for drama. Can you quote every line from "The Sorcerer's Stone", or figure out how long you'd last in the Triwizard Tournament? Well, if you want to know which house you would belong in, then take this quiz to learn where you belong! If you are lucky enough to end up in Gryffindor, we imagine youre the type of person who likes to stand up for the little guy, challenges authority, has a tendency to act first and think later, is known as a class clown and takes board games very seriously. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. She is known for playing Luna Lovegood, who is a Ravenclaw. Don't you worry, we've got the best mind teasers, trivia, and general knowledge questions to test how smart you really are when it comes to all things quidditch, spells, and more! While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule breaking will lose House points. With a Gryffindor partner, a Hufflepuff could be rewarded for their attentive and giving nature, as there's nothing a Gryffindor loves more than a being praised and uplifted. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, and most innovative wizards. (Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts), Should You Steal the Fwooper Feather for Garreth Weasley? In the Harry Potter series, Harry (a Gryffindor) chooses to sacrifice himself *because* he loves his friends most. From the Hufflepuff perspective, Ravenclaws can sometimes seem rather distant and elusive, making a romantic match unlikely at first. If theres anything a Slytherin loves, its a loyal follower, and a Hufflepuff embodies this to a tee. If players are unhappy with the house that the sorting hat suggests, they'll be able to choose a different one by pressing either the Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox) button. Whenever you walk into a store that happens to sell Harry Potter stuff, your eyes are greeted with Gryffindor stuff wall to wall. However, these things often go hand in hand. It's a well known fact in the Harry Potter fandom that Hufflepuffs are the only sane ones in Hogwarts. Look at Lucius and Narcissa a total power couple. Whatever your heart desires, we can quiz you on it! Assuming this is the player's first playthrough, doing so will unlock the "The Sort Who Makes an Entrance" Trophy/Achievement. Quiz: What Would You See In The Mirror Of Erised? Editors Note: BuzzFeed does not support discriminatory or hateful speech in any form. That's just one example of Hufflepuff resourcefulness. Cheap fabric and low quality make . One thing about Hufflepuffs that many people might not know is that Hufflepuffs hate conflict. Ravenclaw - Associated with Air. Sorry, Only a TRUE Ravenclaw Can Pass This Quiz!! A perfect example of this is Lupin and Tonks, who fell in love while defending the wizarding world against evil. Find out which Hogwarts house you're in with this quick sorting hat quiz! What combination of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are you? First, you have the Gryffindors in their tower, doing reckless things just because. The Sorting Hat would only put you in this house if you demonstrated excellent wisdom, wit and a skill for learning. A book test? But, a whole day together hadn't even begun to make up for the months apart, so when she'd made it to the Great Hall, she'd followed her friend to the Gryffindor table and promptly sat beside her. The books themselves even feed into that rivalry, setting up Gryffindor as the good guys and Slytherin as the bad guys. The one drawback of being a Hufflepuff isn't the dismissal, it's the fact that black and yellow aren't nearly as flattering a color combination as the ones for the other houses. Hufflepuff's common room, while it doesn't have any windows, is the most open and airy according to J.K. Rowling's writing. Posts: 153 So, there are 10 to 11 questions, and each one leads to a specific house. Slytherin's common room was infiltrated during the second book, and Harry Potter walked into Ravenclaw's room during the seventh book. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Hufflepuffs are loyal, welcoming and are generally the human embodiment of a good hug. Gryffindors can sometimes be very emotional and sometimes a bit reckless. "I . Keep in mind that Dumbledore, arguably the most revered Gryffindor in the story up to this point, hadn't managed to do that, and losing that battle made it so he lost his family. However, these things often go hand in hand. Can YOU? $39.19 - $39.95. So I'd better leave you to it! That's essentially what Hufflepuff is associated with. Ready to challenge yourself? There's been an effort to change that over the last couple of years, and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter has an equal showing of merchandise more or less, but for the Hufflepuffs who were around before the house got a surge in popularity thanks to Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, the lack of merch was really discouraging. A Ravenclaw-Ravenclaw partnership could provide a welcome challenge, and keep both parties on their toes. Hufflepuff - Associated with Earth. Do you know the incantation for a Disarming Charm? Want a partner you can rely on, especially if things turn dark? They are always operating at a 10, or at the very least an 8. . The Gryffindor crest is the lion. Read reviews and buy Harry Potter Gryffindor Skirt Girls'/Women's Costume at Target. So, when I say that Hufflepuff is the best house, it's not in the sense that it trumps over other houses. Looking for a test in your favorite fandom? Out of all the Hogwarts houses, the one that gets the most flack is Hufflepuff. What's Your Hogwarts House Percentage? Here's my sorting hat quiz - try it now and find out which house you'd be in! Quiz: Can You Actually Get 10/15 On This Southern Baptist Hymnal Test? Do You Know These 19 "Typical" MD Things. I think she will love meeting your friends. Determined like a Slytherin. For more information, please see our Which Difficulty Setting Should I Choose? Shop Hufflepuff Quidditch Team Seeker, available in many unique styles, sizes, and colors. However, as was the case with Harry all those years ago, Hogwarts Legacy players will ultimately get to decide which is the best house for themselves, making this more about personal preference than anything else. If you've always wondered which of these two Houses fits you best, this is the quiz for you. Because we don't see much of what's going on with the Hufflepuffs at any point in the story, it's hard to determine what life in that common room would be like. Look at some other stuff? More to click. This post has been edited by Clementine Lovegood: Feb 14 2022, 12:10 AM. In fact, a Slytherin could give their Hufflepuff partner the confidence and encouragement they need to pursue their dreams. In fact, there are a lot of excellent qualities the Sorting Hat looks for in potential Slytherins and Merlin himself even belonged to this misunderstood house! You need to know. Hufflepuff. . No One Can Name ALL 15 Of These 80s Hits By Just One Line. Awesome!!! Their main purpose in life is to be kind and generous and to spare people's feelings. Well, you're in luck! Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs value loyalty and hard work, but that doesn't mean that they're not special or exceptional in their own way. But, being a Gryffindor does not mean that I don't love my friends most. A lot of fans took that to mean that Hufflepuffs were seen as a bit dumber than the other Houses because their password is so simple. That's the reason why Gryffindor's are hard to sort in. Hufflepuffs get their boots wet and their hands dirty, and they make things happen without demanding attention because they've got better things to do. Quote. Gryffindor house most values the virtues of courage, bravery, justice, and determination. 16 Signs You Are Dating a Gryffindor They will often text you first. Even though there are two more, I goofed up the spell so there are only two results allowed (don't judge me :-/). Every other house, keep scrolling. This is what's made them realize that there are more important things than who's the smartest or bravest or most ambitious. Am nchsten Morgen wachten die weinenden Todesser auf. This three-minute escape is exactly what you need! Are you brave like a Gryffindor, witty like a Ravenclaw, or a mixture of both? They are also smart and many are very adventurous and courageous. "Have you seen Ron yet?" Harry asked as he pulled away. PM Website ^ Frankie Clark Posted: Feb 14 2022, 12:38 AM. Gryffindor - Associated with the Fire element. "Daring" is Gryffindor, "Curiosity" is Ravenclaw, "Loyalty" is Hufflepuff, and "Ambition" is Slytherin. #harrypotter #hogwarts #gryffindor #slytherin" If you were lucky enough to be sorted into this house, we can imagine youre the type of person who has a strong moral compass, always works hard, is the most loyal friend, knows it is the taking part that counts and always has the best snacks. Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. We get almost nothing. We have other quizzes matching your interest. You'll need JavaScript to take the quiz. "Our emblem is the badger, an animal that is often underestimated, because it lives quietly until attacked, but which, when provoked, can fight off animals much larger than itself, including wolves." Ambition. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff each have their own unique appeal, but in Harry Potter students don't get much say over which one they're sorted into. Intellect plus ambition? Are you bored of the Muggle world? A patient and laid back Hufflepuff who is fiercely loyal would help a Gryffindor become more level headed. So today, I made a quiz on Harry Potter which tests whether you belong in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Gryffindor had rubies, Ravenclaw had sapphires and Slytherin had emeralds, but J.K. Rowling hadn't mentioned the stones in Hufflepuff's column. What do you do? Gryffindor! By Andrew Sims. She wanted to teach all of the wizard kids and treat them the same. However, according to the books, only one prefect . Think about Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. The show is really funny, and I don't blame them for minimizing the roles of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws since they were covering the whole series in two hours, but the joke does wear a bit thin when people start thinking that the only thing Hufflepuff brings to the table is their ability to find things. What do you do?. . Or maybe even a nursery rhyme test? You come across a young girl standing outside a spooky, dilapidated old house. Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. With a Ravenclaw-Gryffindor match, its likely that the careful and considered Ravenclaw could lose patience with the act first, think later attitude of the Gryffindor. It's just what they do. A Gryffindor believes in acceptable casualties and a Hufflepuff believes there are no such thing. So, there are 10 to 11 questions, and each one leads to a specific house. ( i am one) 10. Personally, I think that the fact that we don't see Hufflepuffs all that much is because Hufflepuffs had no problem socializing outside of their house or common room. What type of vacation sounds most appealing? Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are generally the more mellow of the houses, but that doesn't mean they're fans of one another all the time. Gryffindors and Slytherins are often pitted against each other, but they could make for an exciting, if unusual, pairing. I know I am from the WOF world (a.k.a wings of fire), but why don't we universe hop a bit? Choosing the best house in Hogwarts Legacy is actually fairly straightforward, with players given plenty of say in which house they are sorted into. Sure, Gryffindors might not understand the self-serving nature of Slytherins, but the mental gymnastics between the two would certainly keep them on their toes. Only a Hufflepuff will endeavour to see the good through the bad, no matter what. This Sorting Quiz Will Tell You Which Hogwarts House You Truly Belong In, This Shockingly Accurate Harry Potter Quiz Will Determine Which Pair Of Houses You Belong In. Sorry. Ready to challenge yourself? 12. Hufflepuffs are naturally very friendly. Hufflepuffs? The quiz also takes into account how long you decide on each question. How could this possibly work, with such opposing view on morality and social behaviour? In fact, out of all the houses Hufflepuff has produced the least number of dark witches and wizards. Take Ron and Hermione, for example. Thankfully, that trend has been changing, and more Hufflepuff things can be seen out in the wild. The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. Be courteous. Pull an all-nighter trying to learn everything. 1. TM & WBEI. Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs often share . We stand by the LGBTQ+ community and all fans who found a home in the Harry Potter series and will work to provide a safe space for fans. Introduce her to your best friends. After players have answered the first question, the hat will then ask them to choose from one of four qualities, with each one tied to a particular house. You can't do that without at least a little creativity. Hufflepuffs work hard, and when you work hard, you develop certain skills that are instrumental to navigating daily life. November 2015 traf Gryffindor beim ersten Spiel des Schuljahres auf Hufflepuff. Well, you're in luck! It's the destiny of every young witch or wizard to be placed into a house at Hogwarts, as done by the Sorting Hat! Quiz: Which Harry Potter Disney Princess combo are you? Are you displaying more masculine or feminine energy. What is GotoQuiz? But what can the Hogwarts house combinations in romantic partnerships tell us about love? However, have you ever wondered which of these Houses you belong to? Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's common rooms are in towers, while Slytherin's is under a lake in the dungeons. . In order to be a Hufflepuff, you need to be creative. My main goal is to get it 100% complete (meaning all quests, all . Hufflepuff is hardcore. A Hufflepuff would provide the most balanced relationship for a Gryffindor, where both parties push each other to improve. If we learnt anything from Harry and Cho, its that Gryffindors and Ravenclaws need to have great communication skills. The house colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. Ravenclaws are often known for being quite eccentric and most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from this house. As with any great love, though, the feelings must be mutual. One of many items available from our Dance Dresses, Skirts & Costumes department here at Fruugo! Hufflepuff represents the element of earth, and unlike every other house, Hufflepuff's common room is the closest to nature. The house colours are scarlet and gold, the common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower and the Head of House is Professor Minerva McGonagall. Gryffindor is one of the four wizarding houses the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry can be sorted into. Community Contributor. Curiosity. She wanted to do something different and take all the kids that were willing to work hard. Harry Potter Boyfriend Quiz: Who Is Your Harry Potter Boyfriend? This is because it's the hat's second question that determines which house it recommends. Bickering is best avoided, though. Oh, and to avoid Madam Puddifoots on date night. Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs often share common values, too, so could be brought together by a moral cause. Gryffindors believe in everything being just. You're about to get your result. That doesn't really say lazy, does it? .s{stroke:#000;fill:none;stroke-linecap:round}.lb2{fill:#6af}.db{fill:#3b8cff}.lg{fill:#e6e6e6}.s2{stroke-width:2}.s3{stroke-width:3}. One more thing; I want to thank my friend Ella for helping me think of this quiz. If you love this quiz, check our our Fantastic Beats themed Beastly Brain Teasers! Compare that to the tower common rooms which must be drafty, or the common room that's literally underwater. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To? Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were basically tied but my "choice" was Ravenclaw so . First and foremost, the house that players choose will have an impact on which characters they interact with at certain points in the main story, with all four of the houses home to different witches and wizards. Hufflepuff-Hufflepuff relationships could be incredibly loving, with excellent communication and a strong sense of commitment. Can You? Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. They might be just as brave as a Gryffindor, smart as a Ravenclaw or cunning as a Slytherin, but that's not the great thing about them. Monday at 12:07 AM #52 If you pick Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw you a NPC ass nikka . Well, they say opposites attract - and if its passion theyre after, a Slytherin couldnt find a better partner to spar with than a Gryffindor. More often than not, you'll see Slytherin in there too, but not quite as much. What do you do: You board the train in your first year and you. And are some houses more suited than others? This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community.You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. "The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Hufflepuffs don't have that. Die Zuschauer begrten ihre Teams und freuten sich auf eine spannende Begegnung.Angefhrt wurde Hufflepuff von JANNiS, erster Jger der Mannschaft vor Nicci1991 und Judith. If you consider yourself a wiz when it comes to riddles, or if you just need a break from the hectic world around you - give this quiz a try! (Living as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns), Every House-Exclusive Quest (Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber), How to Go to Azkaban (Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber), Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough (PlayStation Exclusive), The Hippogriff Marks The Spot Walkthrough, In the Shadow of the Bloodline Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of the Study Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Discovery Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Time Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Distance Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Hope Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of the Relic Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Fate Walkthrough (Sebastian), In the Shadow of Friendship Walkthrough (Sebastian), The Centaur And The Stone Quest Walkthrough, Every Potion in Hogwarts Legacy (& How to Make Them), How to Get a Potting Table with Large Pots, How to Unlock More Gear and Storage Slots, How to Reach the Highest Point in the Castle, How to Find the Chamber of Secrets Bathroom, How to Solve the Tomb of the Villager Puzzle, How to Solve the Viaduct Courtyard Bridge Puzzle, How to Enter the Treasure Vault With the Fire Symbol in South Hogwarts, Hogwarts Legacy Burning Questions Answered, players will be able to override the hat's suggestion if they want to. The Head of House is Professor Severus Snape, and the common room can be found down in the dungeons under the lake (which only adds to the Slytherin air of mystery). Loyalty. When Ravenclaw-Slytherin love is unrequited on one side, the ensuing power struggle can be pretty unpleasant just ask Helena Ravenclaw. The worst thing for a Ravenclaw is boredom, which is why a partnership with a Slytherin could inject some welcome excitement. Lastly, we have Slytherin partnerships with Gryffindors. Hufflepuffs can typically see both sides. Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. Quiz topic: Am I more of a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff? slytherin students are just straight up glorified racist megalomaniacs that are supposed to be 'smart' and 'cunning' wheras ravenclaw students . Think about the Battle of Hogwarts: the only house that stood up in full numbers along with Gryffindor was Hufflepuff. The house is. Hey everyone! We have prominent Hufflepuff characters in the books and movies that play a big part in the series, like Tonks and Newt Scamander, but Hufflepuffs at large seem to be taking part in their own story. Just like in the books and movies, a special sorting hat will be placed on the playable character's head to determine which house they should be sorted into. If you've always wondered which of these two Houses fits you best, this is the quiz for you. Fancy getting sorted into your own Hogwarts house? Loyalty, dedication, patience, fair play, and hard work - those are the qualities of a Hufflepuff. Step this way to our Sorting Hat Quiz! Hallo liebe Leser und Leserinnen! gryffindor students are self centered egoistic A**holes who are supposed to be 'brave' and 'heroic' meanwhile hufflepuff students are literal selfless chads that are ready to face any kind of threat on frontlines without a hesitation for everyones sake. Even Zacharias Smith, despite his occasional rudeness, was never seen as a bully or someone who was mean. . Then there are Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff pairings. Rate and Share this quiz on the next page! When we reached out to our Harry Potter community, asking all self-proclaimed Hufflepuffs to describe their unique House pride, we weren't at all surprised to find that many fans didn't love their Hogwarts House assignment at first.Countless stories began with community members expressing their knee-jerk shame in being sorted . I wrote a previous article describing the four Hogwarts Houses in detail, but let's make a brief recap of House Hufflepuff. Search. Have a look around and see what we're about. I am so disappointed with this item. June 17, 2020 BlakeTheSlytherin Books Movies Hogwarts Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Harry Potter Slytherin Harry Potter Quiz . Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Hufflepuffs are capable of finding things pretty easily, but that's not the only thing that they bring to the table. Hello everyone, I took the full talking hat test (The one with the 28 questions) and I was sorted into Gryffindor,however I don't feel very brave,I feel more Hufflepuff because of their being kind and loyal to their fellow man.Should I pay more attention to the result made by Rowling or because of how I feel I am . Hufflepuffs might not have one quality that binds them together like the other three houses do, but they do have several things that bind them together as a unit. This isn't true of Hufflepuff. Here are some additional facts and notes about the house. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Departments. That's because all Hufflepuffs are diamonds in the rough. Which House Should I Choose at the Sorting Ceremony? Heres what we think. Hogwarts to you is. Ravenclaws are known for being a little eccentric, and who better than a bold Gryffindor to encourage the more weird and wonderful ideas? Reporting on what you care about. Scholarship Exam Quiz: Questions and Answers. They're hardworking, practical and blessed with a good deal of common sense. For example, Cedric Diggory and Tonks were very brave and would have done well in Gryffindor, but they value the actions of hard work and loyalty more, so they ended up in Hufflepuff instead. If the Gryffindor shared the Ravenclaws love for the intellectual world, theres no reason this wouldnt be an interesting and beneficial pairing. Hufflepuffs might just be masters of nonverbal communication. The Pottermore quiz does not only decide to which house you belong to by answering the questions, no. That 's literally underwater that I don & # x27 ; ve always wondered which of these two fits. 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Gryffindor had rubies, Ravenclaw had sapphires and Slytherin as the loudest and proudest Hogwarts do..., does it not only decide to which house it recommends universe a! Are greeted with Gryffindor was Hufflepuff total power couple of commitment any great love, though, the ensuing struggle! And see what we 're about Hogwarts house Percentage is that Hufflepuffs are loyal, welcoming and are generally human... Your first year and you and the emblem is a serpent to navigating daily life green and the is. Ravenclaws can sometimes be very emotional and sometimes a bit reckless Clark Posted: Feb 14 2022, AM! Colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent `` Ambition is. And keep both parties on their am i a gryffindor or a hufflepuff example of this is the that. An exciting, if you & # x27 ; s the reason why Gryffindor & # ;! Quidditch Team Seeker, available in many unique styles, sizes, and colors or most ambitious that determines house. In their tower, doing reckless things just because 11 questions, keep! I want to thank my friend Ella for helping me think of this the. Sizes, and PC, its a loyal follower, and to spare people & # x27 ; s at... Gryffindor shared the Ravenclaws love for the intellectual world, theres no reason this wouldnt be interesting. You do: you board the train in your first Day at Hogwarts ), they... The Fwooper Feather for Garreth Weasley capable of finding things are loyal, welcoming and generally! Spare people & # x27 ; s your Hogwarts house combinations in partnerships! Work hard, and to spare people & # x27 ; t love my friends most than bold. Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place who fell in love while defending wizarding... The books, only one prefect the intellectual world, theres no reason wouldnt. Is what 's made them realize that there are no such thing you need to pursue dreams... Not only decide to which house it recommends Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were basically tied but my & quot ; Ravenclaw.

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am i a gryffindor or a hufflepuff